Watch for Motivation.

Once you realize that the world around you was built by people no smarter than me and you, it will change your life forever – Steve Jobs

Time to push yourself. No matter what your dream is, make it into a goal and pursue it. Blood, sweat, and tears are just the ingredients. The final product is happiness and accomplishment that is unique to YOU. You are an individual. You are you.

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Inspire me.

Playing Your Hand Right

Showing America how to Live


let go or be dragged

A Manic-Depressive View

I like to pretend that i'm a film critic.

Bare Knuckle Writer

Going Five Rounds With The Muse

Standing in the Shallows

Ryan Miller: author, blogger, and father who can't draw hands

More Than Gold

A Place For Things of True Value

Inspire One.

Inspire One. Inspire All.

Natalia Maks

Travel. See. Shoot. Learn.